Ty felt vindicated when Ford pressed himself even tighter against the headboard but the victory was bittersweet because he couldn't help remembering other times he'd had Ford pressed up against a headboard. He gasped in offense as the parchment sailed through his forehead. There was an odd sort of sensation that came with the parchment but he knew Ford had meant it to be rude. After all, both of them were well acquainted with ghosts.
"You decided to end things and get married without anyone else having so much as a say so, didn't you?" Ty asked, floating away now and wondering where the new Mrs Greengrass even was. He was also currently too high and drunk to care about the possibility of someone else in the house hearing him. "Without even explaining a thing."
"You decided to end things and get married without anyone else having so much as a say so, didn't you?" Ty asked, floating away now and wondering where the new Mrs Greengrass even was. He was also currently too high and drunk to care about the possibility of someone else in the house hearing him. "Without even explaining a thing."