It had been nearly two weeks since Ford had determined he ought to buy his wife flowers for her bedroom and he was only now getting to the flower shop... but in his defense he had never been married before, and it turned out the day-to-day attentions, balanced against everything else he had to consider day to day, weren't something that came easily to him. Perhaps if he had been properly in love with her it might have been different — but he had never lived with a lover before, so maybe not. Even in the weeks leading up to his wedding day, where he'd been trying to see Tycho as often as possible, Ford had find himself surprised more than once when Tycho engaged in some romantic gesture and Ford had nothing to reciprocate with. Maybe he just wasn't a very thoughtful person, when it came down to it — or maybe being thoughtful was a skill that needed to be learned and practiced, rather than a character trait one either had or didn't.
Well, better late than never he'd determined, and headed to Wildflowers... where he seemed to have surprised Miss Potts (or Mrs. Grimstone, he internally corrected himself) in the midst of another project. One she seemed quite worked up about— he had the distinct feeling that he was intruding, even though it was only a bouquet and she had no reasonable expectation of privacy in a shop during its open business hours.
"Ah... custom order?" he asked, nodding towards the yellow and purple flowers.
Well, better late than never he'd determined, and headed to Wildflowers... where he seemed to have surprised Miss Potts (or Mrs. Grimstone, he internally corrected himself) in the midst of another project. One she seemed quite worked up about— he had the distinct feeling that he was intruding, even though it was only a bouquet and she had no reasonable expectation of privacy in a shop during its open business hours.
"Ah... custom order?" he asked, nodding towards the yellow and purple flowers.

Set by Lady!