A husband as a ship captain. Avery quirked an eyebrow at the woman curiously; as common as ship captain, or ship worker had been back in America, she had yet to run into a ship captain up here yet. She was intrigued, but not nearly enough to go about questioning what was most certainly a potential client. “It was…certainly an experience, I’ll tell you that.” She offered with a light laugh as she watched the child descend, looking around for her patient in question.
The scampering of claws scratching at wood told her his arrival was imminent; sure enough, the small creature came obediently at the sound of his name. That he was coming down stairs was a good opportunity for Avery to analyze his gait, and she stepped to the side slightly so she might get a better look. “How old did you say she was?” She asked, noting the woman wasn’t wrong about the dog not limping. Golden ears flopped like tiny flags as the dog came trotting down, hardly impeded by its gait.
The scampering of claws scratching at wood told her his arrival was imminent; sure enough, the small creature came obediently at the sound of his name. That he was coming down stairs was a good opportunity for Avery to analyze his gait, and she stepped to the side slightly so she might get a better look. “How old did you say she was?” She asked, noting the woman wasn’t wrong about the dog not limping. Golden ears flopped like tiny flags as the dog came trotting down, hardly impeded by its gait.