They were dancing on a dangerous ledge, Rosalie recognized it instantly when his hand touched hers. She ought to have spotted it sooner for she'd stood on this ledge before. The smiles, the flirtatious laughter, the inappropriate behavior — they were all the signs that led to her heart being broken. They were all the signs that led to the chasm between the woman she was now and the girl she'd left behind.
It was wrong for someone other than Ezra to lead her down this path.
But it doesn't change anything, does it? Ezra had said. Rosalie hadn't been able to respond then, but she knew the answer just as surely as him now: no, it doesn't.
Rosalie blinked at Mr. Greengrass. She didn't dare breathe or speak, lest the heartache still bleeding into her chest somehow shatter the moment. She could have this, whatever this was to be, for a least a minute or two.
It was wrong for someone other than Ezra to lead her down this path.
But it doesn't change anything, does it? Ezra had said. Rosalie hadn't been able to respond then, but she knew the answer just as surely as him now: no, it doesn't.
Rosalie blinked at Mr. Greengrass. She didn't dare breathe or speak, lest the heartache still bleeding into her chest somehow shatter the moment. She could have this, whatever this was to be, for a least a minute or two.
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Daffodil Grimstone, Noble Greengrass, Philomena Sprout
Daffodil Grimstone, Noble Greengrass, Philomena Sprout