The compliment caught her offguard, for Rosalie couldn't remember someone other than Ezra being both bold and memorable enough to do so. "Grey isn't really my color," Rosalie agreed with a short laugh.
She eyed the relatively quiet street then. More than half of Bartonburg was seemingly at the wedding she'd just left; there couldn't have been many people to watch. Still, anything was better than going home and being interrogated by her parents. "Do you mind if I join you? You could add people watching to the list of things you're to teach me."
She eyed the relatively quiet street then. More than half of Bartonburg was seemingly at the wedding she'd just left; there couldn't have been many people to watch. Still, anything was better than going home and being interrogated by her parents. "Do you mind if I join you? You could add people watching to the list of things you're to teach me."