A surprised grin cracked over his lips for a moment. He too enjoyed people watching, but the rest of her comment stopped him from the joke that almost came over his lips.
“Truly? I am surprised to hear that.” Although if her injury had been serious enough he supposed this did make a degree of sense, although it was surprising that she had rarely spent time around the wizarding community.
He paused at the refreshments table and gestured toward the crystal bowl of lemonade before them, “Lemonade?”
Then without breaking stride in the conversation he continued, “Where are you from?” It seemed politer than asking how she’d been so removed from the wizarding community all this time. Although given her age he was surprised it was her first time at Hogsmeade, most Hogwarts students didn’t miss Hogsmeade weekends and he doubted her family struggled to afford schooling. “Did you attend Hogwarts?” He knew it was terribly impolite to ask, but Sadie seemed the sort who wished to share such things with her open face and manners.
“Truly? I am surprised to hear that.” Although if her injury had been serious enough he supposed this did make a degree of sense, although it was surprising that she had rarely spent time around the wizarding community.
He paused at the refreshments table and gestured toward the crystal bowl of lemonade before them, “Lemonade?”
Then without breaking stride in the conversation he continued, “Where are you from?” It seemed politer than asking how she’d been so removed from the wizarding community all this time. Although given her age he was surprised it was her first time at Hogsmeade, most Hogwarts students didn’t miss Hogsmeade weekends and he doubted her family struggled to afford schooling. “Did you attend Hogwarts?” He knew it was terribly impolite to ask, but Sadie seemed the sort who wished to share such things with her open face and manners.