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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Xiomara Thistlewood
Full Name: Xiomara Beatriz Thistlewood
Nicknames: Xio
Birthdate: December 3, 1876
Current Age: 17 Years
Gender: Female
Occupation: Junior Ladys Maid, Blackwood House
Reputation: 9; some eccentricities but is otherwise publicly reputable.
Residence: Blackwood Residence; London, England
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: 12", flexible, cypress, fwooper feather
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Working
father: Otis Thistlewood [b. 1855]
mother: Beatriz Thistlewood & [b. 1857-d. 1876]

face claim: Rachel Zegler
ethnicity: Half-Columbian
height: 5 ft 1 in
build: slender
eyes: dark brown
hair colour: dark brown
hair style: when unbound, it is long and flowy, falling to her waist. As is proper however, it is kept in a crown braid when she is on her own time/not doing junior ladys things. When she is working as a junior ladys mind and not just doing other chores, her hair is put in a bun.
wand hand: ambidextrous but uses her right hand
distinguishing features: a beauty mark on her jawline and another close to her lips
scent: rose petals and other florals
demeanor: Xiomara has a confident stance and is not one that is easily intimidated. She stands straight and proud, showing a graceful regality that belies her station in life.
fashion: Xiomara loves colour which makes the fact she must wear a dismal, dark maids uniform everyday a bit of a downer. The rest of the time however, she embraces colour and has a fondness for floral designs. To save money, Xio often designs and puts together clothing for herself that combines comfort and the current fashions.


when I was a babe I fell down in the holler
1876 - 1889
My daddy always told me that I was a dark mark upon his life. I can't say I really blame him either but at the same time, it was hardly my fault that my Mama got so ill after bringing me into this world one could December day in 1876. I had her for a scarce two weeks before she passed. My aunt always told me she loved me dearly and they were the ones that took up most of the child rearing when it came to me. My daddy could not stand to so much as look at me most days.

That was just fine by me most days as well. Sometimes I did wish he would love me or at least tell me about my Mama. But I had my Aunt for that. But then she went on to follow my Mama into the sweet hereafter too and now it was just me and my daddy. I was old enough to take care of myself by then and in his defense, he did give a roof over my head. I suppose I was luckier than most as at least I was not out on the streets.

Life went along in its bittersweet way until the summer of 1888 when I got my Hogwarts letter. Off I went, taking advantage of the First Year Scholarship. I was sorted into Gryffindor. I had a fine, dandy time and made the most darling friends. It was not my destiny to continue past my first year though as daddy felt it a waste of time when I was more than old enough to go into service. So goodbye I said to the halls of Hogwarts after my very first year.
when I was a girl I fell into your arms
1889 - 1893
I was able to find employment with a wealthy family, they took it upon themselves to fund my education at the Blishwick School of Domestic Magic. For the next two years, I attended classes at Blishwick's whilst also working as a scullery maid for the family with the promise of promotion upon completion of the two year course.

Besides that, I had struck up a sort of friendship with the youth of the family. They being close in age to me. I know now that I ought not have but I was young then. Naive even, perhaps. When I graduated from the courses at Blishwick in 1891, I was promoted to a maid. I never did much like the uniform but at least I was fed, had a roof over my head and some pocket money.

As I got older, my friendship with the familys youth deepened. And at the tender age of 15, I found love with one of the Sons. It was passionate, dangerous and oh so exciting. It was a fire that I could not resist let burn me. We were secretly together for almost two years (1891-1893) — until I found out I was not the only maid he was 'in love' with — he was chasing other maids too. Oh, I was so mad I could have spat fire. I broke things off right then and there and did my best to maintain a professional distance.

Oh but he would not have that. I ignored him as best as I could and made sure we were never alone. After all, he could not say a word in front of his family lest they find out. So you know what that lout did? He stole into my bedroom in the middle of the night. As soon as that man tried to put his hands on me, I was not having it. I took a vase that had been on my dressed and smashed it right down over his head and let him have it verbally too.

Well, the mistress found out of course as she had come running to see what the commotion was all about. One look at my bruised cheek and bedraggled appearance and she was the most furious I had ever seen her. I had to leave, she said. But she would not have her boy known as a maid seducer and beater - so she gave me the promise of a glowing recommendation in exchange for keeping silent about the whole thing.

I was infuriated and refused to keep my mouth shut until she offered to also pay for me to go through the Cosmetic Techniques courses at Blishwicks. By then, I was done with it all so I took the offer and gouged a few galleons out of her to buy myself some time before my next post as well.

Hey, I never said was a moral martyr all right? A girl has got to look after herself and those few galleons are hardly a drop in the bucket for most rich folks.
well, all right, I'm bad, but then, you're no prize either
1893 - 18XX

I went and attended that course at Blishwicks in September and October. That opened up more employment options for me but I took a bit of time to myself whilst I had those galleons I had gotten from my former Mistress. Then I worked at a pub for a bit whilst I applied for available positions. In January 1894, I got hired on as a junior lady's maid for a Miss Ginevra Blackwood. I suppose time will tell what this new position will have in store for me. I am kind of hoping that this time my uniform can have a little more colour to it.

feisty, confident, charming, outspoken, romantic, creative, cunning, resourceful, independant, adventurous

— skills —
01. is a parselmouth
02. is talented singer and songwriter
03. has great skills with a needle both when it comes to needlework and sewing her own clothes
04. is fluent in English, Spanish and Parselmouth.

— trivia —
amortentia: roses, oranges, grass
boggart: her own death
patronus: if she was capable of producing one, it would likely take the form of a king cobra. Her happiest memories would be the feeling of new love blossoming despite the fact that love ended terribly.
pets: a snake called Cleo
quidditch: watches when she is able but does not play
romantic orientation: heteroromantic
sexual orientation: heterosexual
zodiac sign: sagittarius

Name: Kit
Age: 35

Magic by MJ

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Xiomara Thistlewood - by Xiomara Thistlewood - January 16, 2024 – 12:32 AM
Xiomara Thistlewood - by Cassius Lestrange - January 18, 2024 – 1:31 AM
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