January 10, 1894 — Hospital Wing
@"Daffodil Potts" Adelaide Lawson
@"Daffodil Potts" Adelaide Lawson
"I cannot express enough how glad I am for the extra set of hands," Fiona said as she moved about the hospital wing. She'd done a bit of reorganizing over the holidays--as there hadn't been much else to do, for once!--and was showing Miss Lawson the new places she'd decided to store supplies that were used most often. "Winter is always rife for sniffles, on top of the usual issues."
Of course, the hospital wing was never as busy as Fiona had learned to be accustomed to when she worked at the hospital. Even at its busiest, things were generally much calmer here, and Fi was grateful for it. Still, she thought it was probably much nicer to start here, and she was happy to help students with healing ambitions when she could.
"...And I think that is all that's changed," Fiona concluded, closing the cupboard she'd been showing off. "Do you have any questions?"