Victory often enjoyed taking in performances done at the West End. He was not discriminatory in which sorts of theatres he might enjoy a play or two in, whether they be muggle or magical. Tonight, it seemed he had chosen well though as the cast had done their jobs superbly. All that to say, Victory had enjoyed his time at the play.
Filing out afterwards, he was surprised to hear someone greet him. He was also surprised who it was greeting him. Not because he thought Nick Blott the type to not be found in muggle areas but because Nick Blott had scarcely taken notice of his existence for years. He would not go so far as to say they had been bosom friends or anything but they had been both friendly and yearmates during their Hogwarts days. However, there had not been a hint of that still being the case after all the troubles Victory had gone through.
As such, he cast the other a suspicious glance as the other shot him a smile and fell into step with him. Uh huh. He didn't know what Blott was up to but Victory saw no reason to be dismissive or rude quite yet. "I found it superbly well-acted to the point I am thinking of seeing whether the same cast plan to perform anything else in the near future," he answered as they made their way down the stairs.
Filing out afterwards, he was surprised to hear someone greet him. He was also surprised who it was greeting him. Not because he thought Nick Blott the type to not be found in muggle areas but because Nick Blott had scarcely taken notice of his existence for years. He would not go so far as to say they had been bosom friends or anything but they had been both friendly and yearmates during their Hogwarts days. However, there had not been a hint of that still being the case after all the troubles Victory had gone through.
As such, he cast the other a suspicious glance as the other shot him a smile and fell into step with him. Uh huh. He didn't know what Blott was up to but Victory saw no reason to be dismissive or rude quite yet. "I found it superbly well-acted to the point I am thinking of seeing whether the same cast plan to perform anything else in the near future," he answered as they made their way down the stairs.

set by Lady!