What: Skill Practice Scavenger Hunt
Who: Any and all Hogwarts students currently taking DADA, Transfigurations and/or Herbology
Cost: N/A
Where: Hogwarts Greenhouse
Why: Earn some extra credit in DADA, Transfigurations and/or Herbology
When: 28 November, after classes have ended
Each student is given a list of things of 10-15 they must find before they enter the greenhouse (pairs are permitted). The whole space has been transformed into a maze of sorts, with hallways, rooms and dead ends, etc. In order to navigate through the maze, students will need to use different spells they’ve learned over the years to open doors, cause objects to appear, transfigure objects back to their original purposes to use them, and maybe cast a spell or two to get around some plants in their way. (Use your imagination, the possibilities are endless lol.) Once each item is found, it will magically be crossed off the list. Upon the completion of the list, it will be presented to Gus, Mason or Basil who will award some kind of prize, ranging from candy to house points.
How does this work IC wise?
- Complete a thread, 10 posts, at least three being your own. Only 2 participants per thread.
- Gus, Mason or Basil may pop in by request of the player, or randomly if things are looking like they are getting too out of hand, as the three of them are hosting together.
- The first thread participants to complete their thread will be awarded 15 HP, second 10 HP and third 5 HP (Each student will earn the respective amount.)
- When the thread is finished, please PM me (Gus Lissington) with the archived link.
Don’t forget, if you’re taking DADA, you can earn extra HP by threading IC, and the first three threads completed may double up with the above. More details here!
Contact Player(s): Gus Lissington or Basil Foxwood