Enid smiled softly at the mention of the Yarwoods; she secretly hoped her expression would be chalked up to a general fondness. "I've known the Yarwoods my whole life," she said brightly. Of course, Miss Farris' relations with the Yarwoods were more intimate — Enid had never been invited to stay in their home, and likely never would be.
"The Glen is a small place," she added; she'd hoped to change the subject to something that had her less Nigel-focused, but found herself returning to the Yarwoods nonetheless. She could not help it! "So we all know each other well. You're fortunate to stay with them!"
"The Glen is a small place," she added; she'd hoped to change the subject to something that had her less Nigel-focused, but found herself returning to the Yarwoods nonetheless. She could not help it! "So we all know each other well. You're fortunate to stay with them!"