She had a point there. Ozymandias Dempsey was a name known in society circles, but not for any of the right reasons: he was known to fight with his wife; he was known to have been a rake; he was known to be connected to any number of eccentric poets. None of these were particularly good recommendations for a career in politics. And there were plenty of members of the voting public who were not well-connected to society, and they might not know him at all.
But if he had to be known for something, he still wasn't sure this was the thing to be known for.
"Maybe I'll announce myself in favor of Irish home rule," he said diffidently. "That would at least confuse them." An Irishman, in favor of Irish home rule, running for the office of English Minister of Magic — it could almost have been a limerick, it was so silly. And nevermind that Oz wasn't sure he actually was in favor of Irish home rule; it would be worth it just to hear secondhand debates over which side of the government he planned to stick with if he succeeded in splitting the British Isles in half.
But if he had to be known for something, he still wasn't sure this was the thing to be known for.
"Maybe I'll announce myself in favor of Irish home rule," he said diffidently. "That would at least confuse them." An Irishman, in favor of Irish home rule, running for the office of English Minister of Magic — it could almost have been a limerick, it was so silly. And nevermind that Oz wasn't sure he actually was in favor of Irish home rule; it would be worth it just to hear secondhand debates over which side of the government he planned to stick with if he succeeded in splitting the British Isles in half.
MJ is the light of my life <3