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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

watch me disappear into the sun
September 14th, 1893 — Near the Magical Docks, London
Diana Abbott
William had stepped off the ship and onto the docks of London with nothing but focus and determination. After years of not knowing who he was, of living an assumed life, of seeking out her face everywhere he turned, he was home. Relief swept through him as sure as any wave, his smile broadening as he took in the vaguely familiar streets laid out before him. William might not have known where to start, he might have forgotten the exact addresses of his old homes, he might have begun to fear what he'd find when he finally did find her, but none of it mattered. For now that he was finally back on England's shores, he'd work through it somehow.

He had no other options.

Or, he would have had no other options had the world not erupted into chaos.

The first shriek echoed through the air just as he stepped off the docks and onto dry land for the first time in weeks. Instinctively, Will dropped into a crouch, his arms thrown up over his head and his trunk forgotten entirely at his feet. Terror turned his blood cold as the ships turned into a blaze one by one, the bright flames reflecting off the Thames and casting an eerie glow everywhere he turned. Dragons. The sound he heard was dragons and they were causing mayhem everywhere he turned.

Abandoning his trunk completely, William took off running towards the nearest building for shelter. However, that lock was quickly turned against those seeking shelter as were the next five doors he tried. Blood curdling screams could be heard everywhere now, cries of agony filled the air in between the dragons' furious roars. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide from the destruction as lock after lock was turned against newcomers.

Eventually, Will knelt down in an alcove, determined to make himself as small as possible in hopes of avoiding the attention of any dragon. He couldn't have said how long he remained there, crouched and terrified, watching the crowd run frantically every which direction, nor could he truly explain what was happening beyond the racing beat of his heart. William didn't know anything aside from the one piercing scream louder than all the rest, "Henry!"

He didn't know who Henry was - a lover, a sibling, a friend - but William would recognize that voice anywhere. Diana. Diana was - there and searching frantically for someone without a care in the world. Standing now, he began to make his way towards her, his footsteps falling fast and faster until he was only but a few feet from her. And, truthfully, were the world not exploding around them - were she not so obviously horrified by the loss of this Henry - William would've been content to stand there all day staring. Diana - his Diana - was here in the flesh almost as if he'd conjured her from his dreams.

However, the world was erupting into flames around them and -

"Watch out!" He shouted even as his body moved towards her, tackling her to the ground as a wave of flame erupted down the street.

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Messages In This Thread
watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - September 20, 2023 – 1:13 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - September 20, 2023 – 2:44 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - September 20, 2023 – 6:16 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - September 20, 2023 – 8:17 PM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - September 21, 2023 – 2:40 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - October 4, 2023 – 11:57 PM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - October 5, 2023 – 1:19 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - September 20, 2023 – 2:57 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - September 20, 2023 – 12:26 PM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - September 21, 2023 – 1:51 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - October 1, 2023 – 1:54 PM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - October 5, 2023 – 12:13 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - October 12, 2023 – 12:21 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - October 12, 2023 – 12:37 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - October 12, 2023 – 1:14 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - October 12, 2023 – 12:53 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - October 23, 2023 – 8:51 PM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - November 8, 2023 – 1:31 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by Diana Abbott - November 8, 2023 – 5:18 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - November 8, 2023 – 1:55 AM
RE: watch me disappear into the sun - by William Abbott - November 27, 2023 – 5:22 PM
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