It had been a long time. It was almost a relief to hear it put to words like that because sometimes it felt like she'd known him forever. For two people in such different social standings they always seemed to run into each other, much to her chagrin when she was younger and still shaking the power dynamic of student and teacher. It was a mark of how far she'd come that she could now smirk at the memories from that shudderingly awkward time in her life.
"I think you may have a better understanding of me than I of you." But she didn't disagree. The embarrassment of her youth had turned to something of a curiosity lately. She'd always chalked up this thing between them to the shared experience of being a Seer but having met others in recent years she wasn't sure that was exactly the case anymore.
"I think you may have a better understanding of me than I of you." But she didn't disagree. The embarrassment of her youth had turned to something of a curiosity lately. She'd always chalked up this thing between them to the shared experience of being a Seer but having met others in recent years she wasn't sure that was exactly the case anymore.