It took a lot to break though Seneca's ice when it came to emotions and relationships. She wasn't close to many people and it wasn't that easy to impress her with charming words. She was picky about the people she was attracted to.
Miss Adrestia Dantes was one of them.
This newfound emotion would have Seneca question what she thought she knew about relationships, later that evening. She only knew of deep feelings between men and women. She'd never imagined that a woman could make her feel the same feelings that a man could.
For the time being, though, she was only enjoying her dance with Miss Dantes.
"I would very much like for us to keep in touch," Seneca told the other woman. "I can tell that the two of us have a lot in common and I would love for us to correspond, perhaps even have tea somewhere in London?" Nothing wrong with two debutantes being friends!
Miss Adrestia Dantes was one of them.
This newfound emotion would have Seneca question what she thought she knew about relationships, later that evening. She only knew of deep feelings between men and women. She'd never imagined that a woman could make her feel the same feelings that a man could.
For the time being, though, she was only enjoying her dance with Miss Dantes.
"I would very much like for us to keep in touch," Seneca told the other woman. "I can tell that the two of us have a lot in common and I would love for us to correspond, perhaps even have tea somewhere in London?" Nothing wrong with two debutantes being friends!