Seneca didn't even like dancing that much.
But the idea of dancing with Miss Dantés suddenly filled her with excitement. The woman's wit brought s genuine smile to Seneca's lips who, for the first time that evening and perhaps in many such evenings before that, she found herself charmed. Was this what those gentlemen were supposed to get out of her?
"I daresay the feelings are mutual, Miss Dantés," Seneca replied, trying to keep her smile contained. She wasn't supposed to be dancing with women at this ball, but she didn't care. What harm would there be to dance a round with Miss Dantés? The next dance was one where two women could easily engage in, a hybrid between a muggle and a magical one. It didn't really have much close contact, as waltz did. Besides, there were far many more debutantes two eligible gentlemen in attendance and the imbalance of genders was a perfectly reasonable excuse to dance with a woman.
Whatever, she was doing it. She offered a hand to Miss Dantés. "Shall we?"
But the idea of dancing with Miss Dantés suddenly filled her with excitement. The woman's wit brought s genuine smile to Seneca's lips who, for the first time that evening and perhaps in many such evenings before that, she found herself charmed. Was this what those gentlemen were supposed to get out of her?
"I daresay the feelings are mutual, Miss Dantés," Seneca replied, trying to keep her smile contained. She wasn't supposed to be dancing with women at this ball, but she didn't care. What harm would there be to dance a round with Miss Dantés? The next dance was one where two women could easily engage in, a hybrid between a muggle and a magical one. It didn't really have much close contact, as waltz did. Besides, there were far many more debutantes two eligible gentlemen in attendance and the imbalance of genders was a perfectly reasonable excuse to dance with a woman.
Whatever, she was doing it. She offered a hand to Miss Dantés. "Shall we?"