Already, Dory could see what a disastrous mistake this conversation was going to pan out to be. Catching her off guard and unaware was never a great way to start off something important, but how else was he meant to do it? Was he meant to have made the arrangements for a bigger place without her input? What if she didn't like the place? If they were meant to be a partnership (which he was now doubting they'd ever be) Dory couldn't just go making life decisions on his own.
"Another office was my thought. Maybe a second bedroom for if you wanted some additional space." He continued on, shifting away from her some as if to give her that very same space. "It's just a thought."
"Another office was my thought. Maybe a second bedroom for if you wanted some additional space." He continued on, shifting away from her some as if to give her that very same space. "It's just a thought."