When Torie mentioned how refreshing it was to see the close bonds of the extended Alderton family, Natsuko couldn't help but agree wholeheartedly and broke into a broad smile. "You're right, Miss Malfoy. The closeness of the Alderton family is something to be admired. I am grateful and, to be honest, envious of the strong connections they share. It's something I've always wanted for myself." she chuckled, 'I suppose I have it now'
Natsuko's voice carried a touch of wistfulness. Growing up without siblings or a large extended family had left her yearning for the sense of belonging and camaraderie that she now witnessed in the Alderton family. Her marriage to Atticus had brought her into a world of acceptance and warmth, one she had never known before. Her father had been a cold man while he lived, showing little affection to his daughter, her aunt was at best disinterested.
'and I am sure to sing the praises of your hostessing then' she laughed. She inclined her head in the direction of the gentlemen, 'I believe your gentlemen wishes to steal you away for a dance - and my husband with him' she indicated the gents, and gave Atticus a small flirtatious smile, 'You should come visit with me next week, when there are not such handsome distractions'
Natsuko's voice carried a touch of wistfulness. Growing up without siblings or a large extended family had left her yearning for the sense of belonging and camaraderie that she now witnessed in the Alderton family. Her marriage to Atticus had brought her into a world of acceptance and warmth, one she had never known before. Her father had been a cold man while he lived, showing little affection to his daughter, her aunt was at best disinterested.
'and I am sure to sing the praises of your hostessing then' she laughed. She inclined her head in the direction of the gentlemen, 'I believe your gentlemen wishes to steal you away for a dance - and my husband with him' she indicated the gents, and gave Atticus a small flirtatious smile, 'You should come visit with me next week, when there are not such handsome distractions'