Bernard's lips curled up into an actual smile, a rare sight for those who knew him well. He was genuinely pleased that Conall agreed not to leave him high and dry with whatever nonsense Manfred brought him.
"Excellent! I knew you'd be up for the task," Bernard said, his voice lightening with excitement. He drained his glass, the liquid warmth of the whiskey spreading through him, and set it aside. "With a bit of luck, all you'll be bringing back is some ţuică," he added with a chuckle, referring to the traditional Romanian fruit brandy, that he and Manfred had over imbided upon once upon a time.
However, even as Bernard outwardly expressed enthusiasm, an inward acknowledgment surfaced. There was every chance that Manfred, in his own unpredictable way, would end up bringing back something far more challenging than a bottle of ţuică. Memories of the pairs youth flooded Bernard's mind, recalling the reckless antics that had led to Manfred's expulsion from Hogwarts. His friend had been quite the mischief-maker in his younger days, smuggling alcohol into the dorms and attempting to bribe the house elves to keep it quiet. It was more accurate to say that he hadn't been so much expelled as his father had been nudged by certain offical parties within the school to start his grand tour earlier than expected.
Amusement and a touch of exasperation mingled in Bernard's thoughts. "Well, at least it keeps life interesting," he mused, glancing at Conall.
"Excellent! I knew you'd be up for the task," Bernard said, his voice lightening with excitement. He drained his glass, the liquid warmth of the whiskey spreading through him, and set it aside. "With a bit of luck, all you'll be bringing back is some ţuică," he added with a chuckle, referring to the traditional Romanian fruit brandy, that he and Manfred had over imbided upon once upon a time.
However, even as Bernard outwardly expressed enthusiasm, an inward acknowledgment surfaced. There was every chance that Manfred, in his own unpredictable way, would end up bringing back something far more challenging than a bottle of ţuică. Memories of the pairs youth flooded Bernard's mind, recalling the reckless antics that had led to Manfred's expulsion from Hogwarts. His friend had been quite the mischief-maker in his younger days, smuggling alcohol into the dorms and attempting to bribe the house elves to keep it quiet. It was more accurate to say that he hadn't been so much expelled as his father had been nudged by certain offical parties within the school to start his grand tour earlier than expected.
Amusement and a touch of exasperation mingled in Bernard's thoughts. "Well, at least it keeps life interesting," he mused, glancing at Conall.
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