"Perhaps." Caroline doubted talking to Evander would change anything. But perhaps she could adjust her dream again, find something different than the drudgery of a housewife. A face filted into her mind, one she thought of with adventure, but it wasn't Evander's. She didn't want to think on Tommy now.
Luckily Elsie's comment shocked her enough that any wandering thoughts were banished from her mind. "Your an animagus?" Caroline had never really considered becoming one, it had seemed an awful lot of work for a spell she'd never use, but now..... well now she could think of a great number of uses for it. She could, quite literally, spread her wings and seek adventure. "I'd," She paused for a moment taking in the full weight of what she was about to say, before taking a breathe, "I'd like that." The more she thought about it the more perfect of a project it seemed to become.
Luckily Elsie's comment shocked her enough that any wandering thoughts were banished from her mind. "Your an animagus?" Caroline had never really considered becoming one, it had seemed an awful lot of work for a spell she'd never use, but now..... well now she could think of a great number of uses for it. She could, quite literally, spread her wings and seek adventure. "I'd," She paused for a moment taking in the full weight of what she was about to say, before taking a breathe, "I'd like that." The more she thought about it the more perfect of a project it seemed to become.