Full Name: Orpheus Samuel NewberryNicknames: N/A
Birthdate: April 12, 1857
Current Age: 36 Years
Gender: Male
Occupation: Head of Being Division
Reputation: 9
Some people judge when it takes a while for a firstborn child to arrive.Residence: Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Thirteen and a half inches of spruce, with a core of Swedish Shortsnout dragon heartstring
Blood Status: Halfblood
Social Class: Upper
Wife: Vivienne Newberry (b. 1862)Appearance:
— Son: Daedalus Newberry (b. 1888)
— Daughter: Ariadne Newberry (b. 1891)
Father: Alexander Newberry (b. 1828)
Mother: Cassandra Newberry (b. 1832)
— Brother: Achilles Newberry (b. 1855)
— Sister-in-Law: Melissa Newberry (b. 1860)
— Nephew: Diomedes Newberry (b. 1883)
General | Brown of hair and blue-eyed, Orpheus is a tall, strapping gentleman of six feet, two and a half inches in height. His skin is a light tan shade, and he keeps his beard well-groomed. He is right-handed with wand and with quill.History:
Expressions | Well educated in the art of keeping his true emotions hidden, surprisingly, Orpheus is never far from a seemingly genuine grin. He looks much friendlier than he truly is.
Deportment | Rather careful and controlled. Orpheus walks with dignity and purpose, shoulders square and chin straight.
Fashion | For ease of motion and his own comfort, Orpheus actually prefers muggle fashion of the day, finding robes to restrict him when he needs to run. He keeps his fashion in neutral tones for the most part, though splashes of color here and there are not out of the ordinary.
Accessories | Typical for a gentleman of his standing, the primary accessory Orpheus wears that isn’t part of his clothing is his silver pocket-watch.
Scent | A fine, musky cologne from a London perfumier, with notes of cedar and amber.
Face Claim | Clive Standen
April 1857 Orpheus is born, the second son of his father to survive birth. He is named, like his elder brother, for one of the Greek heroes. 1860 A little sister is born, named Penelope after the faithful wife of Odysseus. As a toddling child, Orpheus only properly registers that the attention is suddenly somewhere else and not on him, as it had been for close to three years now. 1861 Orpheus begins his initial lessons in etiquette, reading, and writing with the governess. 1863 Before even his elder brother, Orpheus displays his first sign of magic, proving himself something of a magical prodigy — and the act is even somewhat intentional, as he reignites the fireplace in the nursery on a particularly cold night, after the maid had let the fire go out. September 1866 Elder brother Achilles goes off to Hogwarts, sorted into proud Gryffindor; Orpheus cannot wait to join him, though he’s quite certain he has no place in Gryffindor. June 1868 It is Orpheus’s turn to attend the hallowed halls of the great castle; he prepares for his journey with a shopping trip at his father’s side to Diagon Alley. 1868 — 1870 Sorted into Slytherin, Orpheus quickly takes to making friends and learning all he can about magic. He excels in theoretical learning, though he does enjoy practical classes as well. They just aren’t necessarily his strong suit. 1870 — 1873 As he embarks on his third year of education, Orpheus selects Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies to expand his academic horizons. As before, he does not necessarily excel with Care of Magical Creatures in the practical sense, but he understands the theories quite well. Muggle Studies, of course, is much easier. His OWLs go much better than he expected, with only two properly failing grades on his report. 1873 — 1875 Going into NEWT level, it is time to whittle down his class selection to seven or under. He ends up taking five classes — Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, History of Magic, and Muggle Studies. July 1875 Following Orpheus’s graduation from Hogwarts, he finds that he must settle on an occupation, a career in which he may make something of himself and become suitable to support a wife and family. He applies to work in the Goblin Liaison Office at the Ministry of Magic, an application which is successful. He has no plans to make it a permanent position, hoping to rise through the ranks, but it’s a decent starting point. May 1880 At the Hogwarts Coming Out Ball, which he likely shouldn’t have been attending, Orpheus is reintroduced to Vivienne, who was just five years behind him in classes, and whom he recalled having tutored on occasion with theoretical Charms. Knowing it will be at least a few more years before he is able to take on a wife, Orpheus suggests they become pen-pals, and resolves that, should she remain unwed when it comes time to marry, he will propose to her. August 1880 Orpheus, tired of working with goblins for the past five years, applies for a transfer to the much broader Being Division — which is also accepted. June 1884 Now much more settled in his work, and with a house of his own in Hogsmeade, it is time for Orpheus to marry. And as luck would have it, Vivienne remained available after all this time. He begins courting her. February 1885 On St. Valentine’s Day of all days, after months of deliberating over how he would manage it, Orpheus proposes to Vivienne, and she accepts, much to his delight. November 1885 Wasting no time, Orpheus and Vivienne tie the knot before a year has passed. The wedding takes place on the second Wednesday of the month of November. 1888 Orpheus is overjoyed when Vivienne finally gives birth to his firstborn son, the heir to his...mostly nonexistent fortunes. In keeping with the traditions his mother began, Orpheus insists their son be named Daedalus. April 1890 Orpheus applies to become Head of the Being Division, and with fifteen years’ experience at the Ministry under his belt, he is accepted to the position. 1891 Vivienne gives birth to a daughter, whom they name Ariadne. He realizes, looking at his family, that his position at the Ministry is not enough to provide the life he wishes for his wife and children. 1893 Orpheus has begun to realize that his ambitions stretch far, far above his status as a second-born son. How that realization might flesh out in action, well...who knows?
- Orpheus’s boggart is pretty typical of an ambitious, well-off gentleman — a nondescript Gringotts goblin explaining that his account at the bank has been canceled and his gold is no longer his, representing his fear of destitution.
- Amortentia features the delicate scents of lavender and chamomile, twisted together with the scent of a good scotch. He rather likes the combination.
- Unlike most gentlemen, Orpheus can quite skillfully play the piano, the only practical skill he really flourished in as a youth. He enjoys playing accompaniment for his wife.
- Orpheus is incapable of casting a corporeal patronus; the most he gets out of the spell is a dense mist.
- In addition to his native English, Orpheus is fluent in French and German, with a conversational knowledge of Spanish.
- Given his living circumstances in Hogsmeade, Orpheus only has one pet — a male St. Bernard named Outlaw.
Occupation Years Employee, Goblin Liaison Office 1875-1880 Employee, Being Division 1880-1890 Head, Being Division 1890-present
Class | OWL | NEWT |
Astronomy | A | — |
Care of Magical Creatures | E | E |
Charms | O | O |
Defense Against the Dark Arts | E | E |
Herbology | P | — |
History of Magic | O | E |
Muggle Studies | O | O |
Potions | A | — |
Transfiguration | P | — |
Name: ElaineAge: 29
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