Sometimes, when the nights stretched on infinitely and all that remained to her were ghosts, Melody wished for nothing more than a hug from him. She didn't need them to be romantic, she (mostly) understood his reasoning for leaving. It was the comfort in having a partner that she missed, the casual touches that carried her forward on trying days. A hand on her back would've sufficed even. They hadn't ever been physical again, but they'd been nearing it. They were so close to it on New Year's Eve, and Melody had destroyed it all in one fell swoop.
Now, with her grief laid bare and the air thick with tension, Melody still wanted nothing more than a hug from him to keep her going. She was beginning to wonder if she would ever stop wanting that hug.
She said nothing — she couldn't. Anything she said would break the peace they had established and disrespect all of his boundaries. And for once — for once — Melody was trying so hard to be the partner he deserved.
When he finally stepped aside, Melody knew she had to keep going. Every second longer she stood in this room was another second that allowed her to crumble. She didn't even realize she was crying, didn't feel the tears streaming down her cheeks as she crossed the final steps towards the floo.
Now, with her grief laid bare and the air thick with tension, Melody still wanted nothing more than a hug from him to keep her going. She was beginning to wonder if she would ever stop wanting that hug.
She said nothing — she couldn't. Anything she said would break the peace they had established and disrespect all of his boundaries. And for once — for once — Melody was trying so hard to be the partner he deserved.
When he finally stepped aside, Melody knew she had to keep going. Every second longer she stood in this room was another second that allowed her to crumble. She didn't even realize she was crying, didn't feel the tears streaming down her cheeks as she crossed the final steps towards the floo.