Bernard chuckled softly at Conall's remark about taking any feral creature off his hands. The mischievous tone in the magizoologist's voice brought an amused glint to Bernard's eyes. "I'll remember the offer," Bernard muttered darkly, patting the wolfhound's head, "this one in particular seems to have settled quite comfortably into my home." He'd never admit it but he did like the animals company, no matter how grouchy he was with it. The wolfhound wagged its tail in response, as if to confirm Bernard's unspoken thoughts. He stopped the idle petting.
Leaning forward, Bernard continued the conversation with a note of curiosity"Now that you mention it." he refilled the others' glass. "I had a friend write to say he had a gift for me when he as coming back from Romania." her explained, "He's not one of my brighter friends, and I'm concerned about exactly what he might have brought me home. He's due to call next thursday, is there is any chance you might make yourself available? At worst you'll get a dinner and maybe a hand or two of cards' he groused.
Leaning forward, Bernard continued the conversation with a note of curiosity"Now that you mention it." he refilled the others' glass. "I had a friend write to say he had a gift for me when he as coming back from Romania." her explained, "He's not one of my brighter friends, and I'm concerned about exactly what he might have brought me home. He's due to call next thursday, is there is any chance you might make yourself available? At worst you'll get a dinner and maybe a hand or two of cards' he groused.
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