The exasperated, "Yes!" Came without hesitation. It was resounding and unequivocal; it left no room for misunderstanding. She almost added you idiot! but managed to contain it.
Torie ran her hands through her hair, frustration leaking out from every movement. Did he truly think that she would open herself up like that if she didn't want to marry him? Did he think her a harlot who just went around seducing men in the woods? What was she even doing here? They were clearly on very different pages, maybe not even in the same book anymore. It hit hard after everything that had transpired in the last few minutes. Or took some of the wind out of her sails. The exhaustion and the defeat were clear in her stance and expression, some of the fire extinguished from her.
"But I don't want to be your responsibility if that's all you think of marriage, I have no interest in that." Her tone had less bark to it, more resigned. This was a mistake. She had made a fool of herself for the last time.
Torie ran her hands through her hair, frustration leaking out from every movement. Did he truly think that she would open herself up like that if she didn't want to marry him? Did he think her a harlot who just went around seducing men in the woods? What was she even doing here? They were clearly on very different pages, maybe not even in the same book anymore. It hit hard after everything that had transpired in the last few minutes. Or took some of the wind out of her sails. The exhaustion and the defeat were clear in her stance and expression, some of the fire extinguished from her.
"But I don't want to be your responsibility if that's all you think of marriage, I have no interest in that." Her tone had less bark to it, more resigned. This was a mistake. She had made a fool of herself for the last time.
![[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]](
Red again! June 1894