Cleon had been crashing at the home of one of his Bartonburg cohorts. He had been there for only two days or so. He had woken up and decided he might as well go for a walk. The weather was decent these days. He had little to nothing on his mind which was how he preferred things to be. He supposed he ought to be lining up his next temporary place of residence but he would deal with that later.
He had not been far in his walk when he noticed a semi-familiar face up ahead. The wife of one his friends. A very pregnant wife and one of the major factors as to why he never tried talking Tybalt Kirke into providing him space on their couch. She looked to be in some type of way and selfish soul as he was, he didn't think it quite right to just walk away when the wife of a friend was in such clear distress.
"Mrs. Kirke? Do you need help getting home?" Cleon asked, kind of hoping she would say no. What if that baby dropped out of her while they were walking or something? It wasn't like he knew or cared to know how the little things actually got out of a woman.
He had not been far in his walk when he noticed a semi-familiar face up ahead. The wife of one his friends. A very pregnant wife and one of the major factors as to why he never tried talking Tybalt Kirke into providing him space on their couch. She looked to be in some type of way and selfish soul as he was, he didn't think it quite right to just walk away when the wife of a friend was in such clear distress.
"Mrs. Kirke? Do you need help getting home?" Cleon asked, kind of hoping she would say no. What if that baby dropped out of her while they were walking or something? It wasn't like he knew or cared to know how the little things actually got out of a woman.