Full Name: Aurora Mei Chen Nicknames: Aura, Rory, Aureliay
Birthdate:May 6th 1870
Current Age: ? 23 years
Gender: female
Occupation: If any Spirit Division Employee
Reputation: 7. Aurora doesn't much care to act like a proper lady. She wears mostly bloomers or things that are practical and comfortable. When she debuted, she didn't look for a husnand, but started to work right away
Residence: London
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: bamboo wood with a Zouwu claw core, 10 ¾ and hard flexibility
Blood Status:hakfhalf-blood
Social Class: middle
James Chen: father, auror
Mei Chen: mother, deceased
Louise Chen: younger sister, Hogwarts student
Anne Margaret Chen: step-mother, housewife
unborn sibling
Aurora s the shortest of her family, standing at barely 5'0 inches tall. She has black hair, which are straight and refuse to curl. They are also very hard to put into any kind of complicated updo, as they are very thick and stiff. Thus, Aurora wears only simple hairstyles. She doesn't like to wear dresses. She prefers to wear bloomer Chents. The ones with trousers, without the skirt if possible. When she neds to look elegant, she opts for simple, a-line dresses with mutton sleeves. She is naturally left handed and does nothing to hide it. She is petite in figure Her wgusjet cikired etes looking at the world with curiosity.
History: Highlight important events. Hogsmeade was established in 1877.
Aurora was born on a warm May night to the Chen family that resided in Scotland. HerAurora was born on a warm May night to the Chen family that resided in Scotland. Her father was an auror in the ministry, her mother was a caring housewife. They were closer to the upper end of the middle class, as Mei had received a very heft dowry, being the only daughter and her husband shares in a family company.
In the first years of her life, Aurora lacked nothing. Though her mother was told by her family to leave the child with nanny as much as possible, she refused. Aurora was her precious baby and Mei wanted to spend as much time as possible with her.
From an early age, a love for literature was cultivated in her. Every night, before bedtime, Mei would read to her daughter. This wasn't the only occasion she'd read to her, but this always felt the most special. It was just the two of them, it was their time.
Her parents had always encouraged Aurora to explore her sourroundings, to search for knowledge. She was always a brave child. She was never afraid of the dark, no matter what other children told her. When in 1876 they moved to a new house and iit turned out to be inhabited by ghosts, the little girl made them her playmates. She loved hearing their stories. She'd often run from her governess to spend time either with them or in the library. Her father had no heart to ask for exorcisms, as he saw how much the ghosts meant to his young child.
Her nother was terrified of them at first. Even though she had gone to hogwarts, these were vastly different ghosts. Tgey weren't peaceful like the Fat Friar or as solemn and beauitul as the Grey Lady. They weren't violent, but they didn't seem to be the best companions to her young daughter. Finally, she extracted from her husband he will get them away from the house.
The tean cane when Aurora was sleeping. They knew that the ghosts were important to the child and wanted to spare her trauma. Mei was sure that when they're gone, Rory will find herself more friends among the living.
The next day, June of 1876, little Rory searched the entire house. When she asked her governess as to what happened to the ghosts, she told her they were gone, decided she needs more alive friends. This was when litle Aurora showed her first sign of magic. She started crying so hard that the book from which she was being taughthow to rread lifted off the table among with other objects on it and flew out of the window. Unhappy Aurora ran to her bedroom and didn't let anyone in. They tried to coax her out, but she announced to everyone she is going on a hunger strike. Where did she hear that from? The adults were sure this must have been the ghosts fault.
Soon, the child cane vacj tio her normal self. She didn't forget her friends, though, and promised herself that when she grows up, she'll be the person to take care of ghosts and other spirits. She'll be their protector.
The year was 1879 when Aurora was graced with a younger sister, named Louise. At first, the older of the Chen girls was jelaous. She was no longer the baby of the family. Not to mention, the brat was loud and made it hard to read during the day.
So, the child resolved to spending as much time outside of the house as possible. She played with other children living nearby, all of the of magical families, she was invited to playdates by her parent's friends and she happily took them. Her teachers would often take her for trips to places like the Zoo or a Botanical garden. Places she could learn something at.
Time flew by and by 1881, Aurora started her first year.
Everyone in the family was convinced she'll end up in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin. To everyone's surprise, she ended up in gryffindor.
First thing she did, was befriend the house ghost. Nearly Headless Nick seemed eteranlly fascinaating to her. Bloody Baron, whenever he was around the Great Hall, also made her interest spark, but she was warned by an older friend not to approach him. She didn't want trouble, so she decided not to try it.
First years was an exciting one. Flying lessons seemed great and she wondered if she would be able to play Quidditch in the future. However, there was a ban on female students playing that sport when she was elligible. That really frustrated her.
If she was being honest, a lot of the things at school annoyed her. The heamaster seemed to hate his students and children. At least, those who weren't pureblood and up to his standards. It made her wonder who had appointed this cold, cold man as the caretaker aof the future generations? Clearly, nobody sane.
Still, she clapped along, smiled and pretended she is all for it. She bid her time.
On her third year, the teen chose to continue with Magical Theory, took Ancient Studies an, Ancient Runes and Ghoul studies.
When the Hogwarts harlot crisis came about, Rory was angry about the whole chastity bracelet thing. Deep inside she thought it unfair that it’s women who need to watch out for their virtue and be punished. Even if it was a boy’s fault. She, of course, didn’t express it out loud. She just bit her tongue and promised herself that when she finishes Hogwarts, no man will stand in her way.
On her fifth year, she got mostly O’s and E’s with just a few A’s.
She decided to drop Ancient Runes and Ghoul studies. They had nothing to do with her desired career in the Spirit Division. She also dropped herbology and Astronomy.
Her best class was always Defense Against the Dark Magic, followed closely by History of Magic and Ancient Studies. Magical theory was useful as well, though many elected to drop it when it was no longer needed. She, however, found that it might be useful in her future career. Knowledge of herbs and stars? Not so much.
During Hogwarts, she tried to not get noticed by the Headmaster, not to shame her family and be a good example for her sister. It was the most important thing, her parents said, even more important than her grades.
Sadly, her mother didn’t get to live lon enough to see her daughter graduate from Hogwarts. She died, two months after her O.W.L.S from consumption. A variant that no healer knew how to treattreat. They managed to get it less infectious, but it was all shthey could do. Nobody knew how she had contracted it, but they guessed it was when she was doing volounteer work with the poorest of the witch kind.
Aurora was horrified to have returned to school and only to see her once lively mother pale and confined to her bed. She she many tears that summer until Mei passed away. The teen had offered her father she’ll stay, help him with running the house and taking care of her sister. He protested, sayingher mother wanted her to be happy and he knows that if she dropped out, she’d never be happy.
It wasn’t easy to return to school. Once lively and bubbly creatire who had many friends among the houses, became quitter and withdrawn. She began to spend more time with the ghosts than the living. Until one day, a friend got through her thick skull that she’s killing herself. Her friends did an intervention, pulling her focus back to the living. From then on, she became more focused on her studies. She decided she won’t get below an E on her N.E.W.Ts and she had succeeded.
Of course, then there was the matter of debut. Her younger sister already in Hogwarts, father looking for a new wife… She was supposed to look for a husband. Her father got her made a dress with fine, French lace, but Rory have it in her to really choose a suitor. Before the season was over, she became an intern in the spirit division.
Time flew by. In 1890 her father had started courting a woman, not much older than his daughter. It made Rory sick. She remembered her from Hogwarts and never uite liked her. Still, her father told her it’s for the good of her sister. She needs a proper role model, he said. Aurora was trying to protest that she is a good enough role model, but father didn’t listen. By March 1893 the couple were married.
Soon, her step-mother got pregnant and started to push both Rory and her father to find the eldest Chan daughter a suitable husband. She couldn’t bare to listen to it muh longer. By exchanging letters with a friend, she found out that she has a room open for someone to rent. Eager to get away, Rory left the house and moved in.
No longer a trainee, she started to specialize in Ghostly Restraining Orders and Propety Exorcisms. Her success rate in her taks was 99,9%, but she could still feel people judging her. She had never acted or looked threatening. Her small stature only adding to that. Sometimes, she has enough and bites back. Deep inside, though, she knows she has to win this war by simply proving she’s the best.
It was even better, as she worked in the Ministry of Magic. No longer a trainee, she started to specialize in Ghostly Restraining Orders and Propety Exorcisms. Her success rate in her taks was 99,9%, but she could still feel people judging her. She had never acted or looked threatening. Her small stature only adding to that. Sometimes, she has enough and bites back. Deep inside, though, she knows she has to win this war by simply proving she’s the best.
- assertive
- intuitive
- open-minded
- brave
- hard-working
- exxtraverted
- Well-organize
- loving and caring
- secret feminist
- asexual
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Name:KittyAge: 33
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Other Characters: If any Amalia Ollivander
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