As they walked through the garden path, Ford's mind remained mostly focused on the conversation at hand, with only occasional detours to consider how lovely she looked in a certain angle of light or what an adorable turn of phrase she'd just used. Of course, there was a more or less constant buzz in the back of his brain, which occasionally burst through to the forefront, pointing out how far away they had traveled from the main party, how long it had been since they had last spoken to someone else, how long since he'd seen anyone look in their direction. They were approaching the closest one could come to being alone at a party like this, and — and and and — of course nothing would come of it, because she wasn't interested and he would never act on anything he believed to be unrequited (and even if it were requited he wasn't in a position to be making an overtures towards young women — and he was happily involved with someone else, anyway — and and and —) but he still couldn't help thinking of it. There was the buzz in his brain constantly drawing attention to the fact that if circumstances had been different (if if if), this was a scenario where something could happen. They were venturing closer and closer towards the realm of possibility.
They had reached the house again, and were presumably headed back into the party (which was probably for the best; he didn't know whether he could take much more of the unrealized potential building up all around him) when the unthinkable happened. They chanced upon the ballerina. At first Ford was only embarrassed to have ended up in an otherwise isolated space with another person — someone who might guess at what was abuzz at the back of his mind, perhaps? Thankfully Miss Chang seemed, so far, oblivious to it. As he watched the two of them interact, however, it became apparent that the stakes were higher than that. Miss Chang hardly even seemed aware that he existed any more. Even given all the clues that he had, it still took him most of their conversation to connect the dots; by the time he did, the dancer was suggesting they visit the powder room. Ford felt a rush of panic and had to resist the urge to reach for Miss Chang's hand to keep her from drifting away. This was undoubtedly a terrible idea, but what could he do? He could hardly find a reason for her to avoid the powder room, and certainly not when the pair of them were already two steps to the door.
"Sure, see you," he said, then watched mournfully and helplessly as they retreated. She might ruin her life in that powder room, admitting to something she shouldn't say. She might not remember her promise to find him later by the time she finished the interaction. He honestly couldn't have said which concerned him more.
After they'd disappeared, he found himself hovering. He didn't know how long they would be — he had a general sense of how long powder room visits took, having three sisters, but this was hardly the run of the mill powder room visit. Would Miss Chang come back here when she was finished? Where even was here? He wasn't in the party proper, and as the time wore on he began to feel conspicuous lingering in a room he probably didn't have any right to be in. Eventually, he decided to make his way back to the party — and immediately found the drink table, searching out the most straightforward way to drown his sorrows until she returned.
They had reached the house again, and were presumably headed back into the party (which was probably for the best; he didn't know whether he could take much more of the unrealized potential building up all around him) when the unthinkable happened. They chanced upon the ballerina. At first Ford was only embarrassed to have ended up in an otherwise isolated space with another person — someone who might guess at what was abuzz at the back of his mind, perhaps? Thankfully Miss Chang seemed, so far, oblivious to it. As he watched the two of them interact, however, it became apparent that the stakes were higher than that. Miss Chang hardly even seemed aware that he existed any more. Even given all the clues that he had, it still took him most of their conversation to connect the dots; by the time he did, the dancer was suggesting they visit the powder room. Ford felt a rush of panic and had to resist the urge to reach for Miss Chang's hand to keep her from drifting away. This was undoubtedly a terrible idea, but what could he do? He could hardly find a reason for her to avoid the powder room, and certainly not when the pair of them were already two steps to the door.
"Sure, see you," he said, then watched mournfully and helplessly as they retreated. She might ruin her life in that powder room, admitting to something she shouldn't say. She might not remember her promise to find him later by the time she finished the interaction. He honestly couldn't have said which concerned him more.
After they'd disappeared, he found himself hovering. He didn't know how long they would be — he had a general sense of how long powder room visits took, having three sisters, but this was hardly the run of the mill powder room visit. Would Miss Chang come back here when she was finished? Where even was here? He wasn't in the party proper, and as the time wore on he began to feel conspicuous lingering in a room he probably didn't have any right to be in. Eventually, he decided to make his way back to the party — and immediately found the drink table, searching out the most straightforward way to drown his sorrows until she returned.

Set by Lady!