The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes--
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
To determine if there is any possibility of reaching an accord for Eleanora's sake. She shot him a vaguely bemused look, she'd thought they were on the same page about salvaging a romantic relationship with his wife, hadn't that ship sailed already? Had she missed something?
There can be no undoing what has been done and so it does not matter overmuch in the scheme of things. Which was not to say Nova wouldn't be judging Melody for her disgraceful behavior later, she most certainly would, but it was not helpful at present to do so. Not unless you still wish to pursue a romantic relationship with her? I do not think it advisable, I fear that you are irreconcilably ill-matched and it will only ever end in misery. Now that would be the sort of misery she read about in novels, pure agony and thwarted love. Although there had to be a firm basis of love first for the misery to be of any substance. As enjoyable as that might be in a novel however, and Nova might idly wish it upon herself at times, she didn't wish it on her brother. If Reuben enjoyed suffering he wouldn't be in her drawing room, he'd be sobbing in a dark room with some intoxicant and writing about his feelings. Reuben wanted a solution, not eternal agony and that was okay.
Forgive me, I should have chosen my words more carefully I think. She had been a little harsh, hadn't she? That was the last thing her brother needed, she must be more careful. Can she be reasoned with, is there any hope of a peaceable arrangement, of friendship? If you could find a mutual respect and appreciation for one another, passionless companionship, Eleanora might keep her mother and her prospects. As friends all might be well in time? He still hadn't given her reason to think that Melody's inadequacy extended beyond the role of wife into mother. If she'd lied about the potion then it did suggest she put her own whims before her daughter but that couldn't be proven. For all Nova knew Melody was a fiend of a wife but a doting, attentive mother whose absence would be sorely missed in her daughter's life. It would be so much easier if she were consistent.
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