The life upon her yellow hair but not within her eyes--
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
The life still there, upon her hair--the death upon her eyes.
Nova's eyes widened a fraction at the confirmation that came in the form of a name, and then grew considerably wider still when she realized what he was asking of her. She then looked away, her brow furrowing at the predicament she now found herself in. She knew she had to be careful, she didn't know how much sway her words might have but she feared they'd be more powerful than she cared to believe. This impossible position her brother was in, it felt like the latter end of the disaster that had been set in motion the moment they eloped. Maybe she'd never know for sure how the elopement came about but she knew with more certainty now than she ever had that her brother could not have been the driving force behind it. A man like that wouldn't ask his sister for advice on something like this, he'd take whatever immediate short term self-serving action appealed to him most and think nothing of the consequences.
I cannot in good conscience answer that, Reuben, came her eventual somber response. I cannot countenance how she has treated you, in this, or in the past. Even before today I still feared for your happiness with her, but I have no grounds on which to judge her as a mother. You know better than I whether she falls short as a wife and mother. To deprive a child of its mother by choice is no small matter. If she is as selfless a mother as she is selfish a wife, if there is no chance of what she has done being known, or of repetition then... Then it may be best to leave well enough alone. Nova finally stopped speaking for a moment to chew her lip thoughtfully, still avoiding her brother's eye. Women may be loyal and steadfast, but we too are only human and humans make mistakes. She was thinking now of Elmer Macmillan and the letters she had been too weak to destroy. Her cheeks were flushed with shame. If... If on the other hand she is not repentant, if she considers her own whims to be of greater importance than her daughter's future... Eleanora is young now, too young for memories. Loss is only as strong as the grasp we have on what we have lost. If you believe it to be a matter of when rather than if... Now may be best for all involved. Her words were a good deal steadier and measured than she felt on the inside which was a relief but she couldn't quite shake an icky feeling of hypocrisy in what she was saying.
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