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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Hello Again

Dear Lyra,

I would love to tell you about him.

Lysander is tall for his age (unsurprising.) He's a gentle child and has started to lobby me for a puppy. His favorite playmate is Alexander Pettigrew, T. Pettigrew's son, who is a year older than he is. I'm rather pleased with this, as Thom is also his godfather.

Lysander has always liked books - again, unsurprising - and my nanny has started to teach him his letters, a little earlier than she'd originally intended to but he's certainly interested in them. He likes stories of all kinds, and is constantly asking me to tell him one. My mother purchased him a kaleidoscope in March and he has since been fascinated by it. He also likes - well, really all children's games, although I must confess that he does not play outside very often.

I've enclosed a picture of him*, but it's a tad outdated - I took him to get fitted for eyeglasses shortly after it was taken, and he's been wearing them for the past month. I suppose that it makes him look scholarly, inasmuch as a child can.
* Lysander of a few months ago is lying on the carpeted floor of August's office, tinkering with a wooden soldier and sticking his tongue out at the photographer (presumably his father.) It's a moving photograph.

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Messages In This Thread
Hello Again - by Lyra Potter - February 4, 2018 – 3:58 PM
RE: Hello Again - by August Echelon-Arnost - February 5, 2018 – 4:46 AM
RE: Hello Again - by August Echelon-Arnost - February 5, 2018 – 4:49 AM
RE: Hello Again - by August Echelon-Arnost - February 5, 2018 – 4:52 AM
RE: Hello Again - by August Echelon-Arnost - February 18, 2018 – 12:43 AM
RE: Hello Again - by August Echelon-Arnost - February 28, 2018 – 5:31 AM
RE: Hello Again - by August Echelon-Arnost - June 20, 2018 – 2:53 AM
RE: Hello Again - by Lyra Potter - February 5, 2018 – 4:15 PM
RE: Hello Again - by Lyra Potter - February 18, 2018 – 3:01 PM
RE: Hello Again - by Lyra Potter - June 19, 2018 – 8:16 PM
RE: Hello Again - by Lyra Potter - June 21, 2018 – 3:33 AM
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