Hi! Mity here is your sister. Initially when Luna first arrived she would have been very unwelcoming, rude, and a bit hostile however they'd have only been living together anywhere from a year and a half to six months depending on what time of year Luna showed up as Mity was off to Hogwarts the following year. She was like this with all of the siblings however Luna's probably the only one who was potentially old enough to remember having this directed at them vs others. I think Luna started Hogwarts in Mity's second year- math? Mity - in the past 14 years, has come around to her - but the exact relationship is to be seen. As a whole Mity takes her role as second eldest pretty seriously and tends to mother the other girls though she still can come across as blunt and rude sometimes but at this point would probably kill for each of her sisters even if one on one they aren't besties. She - while not a healer - does work in a semi-high position in the hospital and I'm sure that could be of use either to Luna or as a plot device.
Iziza Noel started the year below her in the same house but would've been kicked out LUua's seventh year due to the ban.
My only hurl option for her would be Anthony Delaney who is just an overly sweet teddy bear who I lowkey do not want to be murdered.
Iziza Noel started the year below her in the same house but would've been kicked out LUua's seventh year due to the ban.
My only hurl option for her would be Anthony Delaney who is just an overly sweet teddy bear who I lowkey do not want to be murdered.