"Yes." Lucy's drawled annoyed. She hadn't believed her butler when he'd informed her of what had been delivered , but there it was sitting on the grass by her front steps. Thankfully someone had shown up quickly, but her butler had rather invonviently fallen sick after the discovery and her housekeeper was off visiting her ailing sister.
"I was quite surprised when Mr. Anshome informed me we had received a shipment of," Her noise wrinkled as she gestured at the smelly mess and tried to say the word, "This." She gestured at the bags. "I have been assured no such order had been placed." What would they need dragon dung for anyway? Even the stables had assured her it wasn't needed.
"I was quite surprised when Mr. Anshome informed me we had received a shipment of," Her noise wrinkled as she gestured at the smelly mess and tried to say the word, "This." She gestured at the bags. "I have been assured no such order had been placed." What would they need dragon dung for anyway? Even the stables had assured her it wasn't needed.