June 13th
I hope this letter proves no inconvenience to you. I had endeavored not to write if it could be helped, but — well, perhaps with the fog shutting down your neighborhood, the comings and goings of an owl will not prove particularly conspicuous.
I had a letter from Mrs. Potter after the news came out — my brother Bennet's widow. She offered to let me meet the children (one Bennet's, and two Darcy's, though all in her care) which was very kind of her. I believe the plan to do so will be postponed until after the fog has gone, but she did send me a picture of Jameson Potter. I believe he is of an age with your son — or close to it, though I suppose now that I think he must have been at least half a year older, given when Darcy passed — but at any rate — he does look to be something like what I had always imagined — that is —
This will seem horribly sentimental, so much so that I hesitate even to put it down in words, and I am not at all sure of the wisdom of asking but I feel now that I must, having come this far. Could you tell me about him?
I hope this letter proves no inconvenience to you. I had endeavored not to write if it could be helped, but — well, perhaps with the fog shutting down your neighborhood, the comings and goings of an owl will not prove particularly conspicuous.
I had a letter from Mrs. Potter after the news came out — my brother Bennet's widow. She offered to let me meet the children (one Bennet's, and two Darcy's, though all in her care) which was very kind of her. I believe the plan to do so will be postponed until after the fog has gone, but she did send me a picture of Jameson Potter. I believe he is of an age with your son — or close to it, though I suppose now that I think he must have been at least half a year older, given when Darcy passed — but at any rate — he does look to be something like what I had always imagined — that is —
This will seem horribly sentimental, so much so that I hesitate even to put it down in words, and I am not at all sure of the wisdom of asking but I feel now that I must, having come this far. Could you tell me about him?