Ford nodded at her musings about mediums, though when she said the Ministry must take a keen interest he switched to an emphatic shake of his head. "There aren't many people at the Ministry interested in this sort of thing," he explained. "Sometimes it feels like half the Ministry forgets we even exist over in Spirit Division, so it's not as though they're keen on pulling useful information out of ghosts even when they're still here." He could see her point about the utility of being able to ask questions of murder victims, but sometimes he got the impression that aurors and other law enforcement types were more interested in having excuses to cast fancy offensive spells than solving mysteries. They hadn't been much help when Verity had been kidnapped, at any rate. And also, if his experience with spirits was any indication, he didn't know that the direct victims of crimes were necessarily the best positioned to provide information about what had happened.
"And spirits are notoriously bad at discussing their own death," he continued in a confidential tone, as though this were a trade secret he had decided to share rather than just idle conversation. "Even if they saw it happen — which isn't a given, you know, especially if they were injured or poisoned or sick or something, they might not have had all their senses working quite right when they died — there's too much emotion tied up in it for them to be a reliable narrator. So — sorry, are you alright?" he suddenly broke in, interrupting himself. He'd noticed her shiver a moment ago, but it had taken his brain a minute to recognize what it was and catch up to his mouth — a consequence of the conversation being a subject he was interested in. "You're not cold, are you?"
"And spirits are notoriously bad at discussing their own death," he continued in a confidential tone, as though this were a trade secret he had decided to share rather than just idle conversation. "Even if they saw it happen — which isn't a given, you know, especially if they were injured or poisoned or sick or something, they might not have had all their senses working quite right when they died — there's too much emotion tied up in it for them to be a reliable narrator. So — sorry, are you alright?" he suddenly broke in, interrupting himself. He'd noticed her shiver a moment ago, but it had taken his brain a minute to recognize what it was and catch up to his mouth — a consequence of the conversation being a subject he was interested in. "You're not cold, are you?"

Set by Lady!