The lady’s retort then seemed short, almost off-put and instantly Anthony wondered what he’d done to offend her. Perhaps… it was nothing. Perhaps she really was just feeling better. Or, a nasty little voice perched on his shoulder decided to chirp. She’s realized she’s alone out here with you instead of Basil and wants to make her intentions very clear. Anthony frowned at the thought, guilt settling into his stomach. “Of course,” he replied, offering her the reins she had reached for.
Sam had wandered a little in his grazing and Anthony trotted the few paces to retrieve him. Then, thinking better of it, he turned back to Ms. Torie. “Would you like a hand?” He offered gallantly. She could as easily use the tree stump, but what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn’t at least offer?
Sam had wandered a little in his grazing and Anthony trotted the few paces to retrieve him. Then, thinking better of it, he turned back to Ms. Torie. “Would you like a hand?” He offered gallantly. She could as easily use the tree stump, but what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn’t at least offer?