Beatrix Borgin and Holliday had never been friends, but the fourth year had never truly disliked the other girl until this moment. But what could be done? Begrudgingly, she had to admit that it was correct Topaz would not be coming back to claim it, and logically, Holliday could not expect the other girls to hold the same reverence for the space as she did. That said, they were now as though animals marking territory: Miss Borgin had challenged her, and it would cost a great deal to simply back down.
She should take the higher ground, be the better person that she clearly was inside. For the moment, she held her tongue, though the glare she delivered the other girl might have melted even fire itself. The fourth year was also painfully aware that they were not alone. Why was no one else chiming in?
She should take the higher ground, be the better person that she clearly was inside. For the moment, she held her tongue, though the glare she delivered the other girl might have melted even fire itself. The fourth year was also painfully aware that they were not alone. Why was no one else chiming in?

— graphics by mj ❤ —