b. open | UCHB | TBC | TOMBOY| Suggested PB: RED HEAD
A distinct tomboy, she thinks its very unfair that only the boys get to become wolves and is determined to become an animagus so she can run with the pack, or see if she can convince one of her cousins to bite her when she turns 18 as well. She idolizes her father and shares his sense of humor. She can't wait to get to school but doesnt want to be in the same house as her sister. Her nannys and governesses are constantly trying to get her to behave in a 'lady like' manner and looking to her father to impose upon her but he just wont. She has free reign in her fathers house, and the idea of her father getting married again scares the living heck out of her. Her aunt (_______ Greyback -Spinster sister - 30) is her second favourite person after her father. The girls are 2 years apart which everyone is taken first will set the age of the other
— graphics by lady ❤ —