Her chaperone came bursting in like a storm wind and Torie knew she was going to get an earful later. She couldn't be fussed now though as the water was welcome (and Mr. Alderton did not have to leave to go get it!) which was thrust into her hands as her chaperon stood back in observation. Determined not to let that change anything, as it was the proper course of action, Torie swung her legs over the edge of the chaise, moving the myriad of skirts accordingly. Sitting up still had her feeling a little dizzy, but the chilled water was helping, as was Mr. Alderton's understanding of the situation.
"Your gallantry continues, how delightful." Torie passed him a more flirtatious, more normal for her smile, hoping she looked better. "I do feel much more like myself now, thank you." He was like a knight from a fairy tale she'd been told as a child. Torie had no grand delusions that life would actually be like that, but here she was! Taking a couple of more small sips of her drink, Torie felt refreshed, though still embarrassed, she did hope Mr. Alderton did not think too poorly of her, she would be mortified if that were the case!
Still, Torie was all swept up in the moment, one she wasn't quite sure she was ready to end and so she took another few pensive sips of her water. "Do you think I could monopolize your time for a little while longer and help me find my mother?" The whole ordeal had tired her out and she should probably see if she could be excused early for the evening. It was regrettable, but probably the best choice for her this evening.
"Your gallantry continues, how delightful." Torie passed him a more flirtatious, more normal for her smile, hoping she looked better. "I do feel much more like myself now, thank you." He was like a knight from a fairy tale she'd been told as a child. Torie had no grand delusions that life would actually be like that, but here she was! Taking a couple of more small sips of her drink, Torie felt refreshed, though still embarrassed, she did hope Mr. Alderton did not think too poorly of her, she would be mortified if that were the case!
Still, Torie was all swept up in the moment, one she wasn't quite sure she was ready to end and so she took another few pensive sips of her water. "Do you think I could monopolize your time for a little while longer and help me find my mother?" The whole ordeal had tired her out and she should probably see if she could be excused early for the evening. It was regrettable, but probably the best choice for her this evening.
![[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]](https://i.ibb.co/9gjvWJw/Torie94-Sig.png)
Red again! June 1894