Anthony appraised the young lady before him with discerning blue eyes. He ran his gaze quickly up and down to make sure she hadn’t been bitten - not that he’d know if she had under all those petticoats but he was trying - and at last seemed satisfied she was in one piece. Her thanks, however gracious, was shaky and the brunette didn’t let go of her. He could feel her trembling in his grasp still and didn’t trust her to stay upright. “It was nothing, really,” he added, brow creasing in concern.
“Are you quite sure you’re alright Miss?” The pallor he could see creeping behind that masque was not inspiring. Anthony was about to offer escorting her to a chaise and fetching a glass of water but he didn’t have the chance. The poor woman dipped forwards towards his chest and for a moment Anthony thought she was about to burry her nose in him. He blushed immensely, and then realized - a second too late - that she was, in fact, swooning.
Catching her with a flourish, blue eyes grew wide. Bollocks! Anthony Alderton was unsure of what to do next. He had an armful of fainted debutant and nowhere particularly soft to set her down! Bending to one knee, the man gently eased the small form into his arms fully so that he might carry her to a chair. From over his shoulder there was an exclamation and Anthony turned. “Please, is there somewhere she can rest?” He asked hurriedly. “The lady is unwell.”
The person who’d gasped over his shoulder turned out to be one of the staff, hired for the event. She curtseyed silently and then gestured to follow her towards another room down the hall. Anthony did so, and then was shepherded into an elegant sitting room. He placed the fainted debutant gently on a long chaise and brushed the hair carefully from her face. “Can you send a house elf to find the woman’s chaperone or family?” He asked, gallantly. It wouldn’t do to be caught in a private room with the poor woman, especially undone. The jester-staff nodded and made to do so.
“Are you quite sure you’re alright Miss?” The pallor he could see creeping behind that masque was not inspiring. Anthony was about to offer escorting her to a chaise and fetching a glass of water but he didn’t have the chance. The poor woman dipped forwards towards his chest and for a moment Anthony thought she was about to burry her nose in him. He blushed immensely, and then realized - a second too late - that she was, in fact, swooning.
Catching her with a flourish, blue eyes grew wide. Bollocks! Anthony Alderton was unsure of what to do next. He had an armful of fainted debutant and nowhere particularly soft to set her down! Bending to one knee, the man gently eased the small form into his arms fully so that he might carry her to a chair. From over his shoulder there was an exclamation and Anthony turned. “Please, is there somewhere she can rest?” He asked hurriedly. “The lady is unwell.”
The person who’d gasped over his shoulder turned out to be one of the staff, hired for the event. She curtseyed silently and then gestured to follow her towards another room down the hall. Anthony did so, and then was shepherded into an elegant sitting room. He placed the fainted debutant gently on a long chaise and brushed the hair carefully from her face. “Can you send a house elf to find the woman’s chaperone or family?” He asked, gallantly. It wouldn’t do to be caught in a private room with the poor woman, especially undone. The jester-staff nodded and made to do so.