Momentarily distracted by the fact that she could still hear the creature scurrying around had her panicking. There were so many layers and folds to the skirts that she couldn't possibly see all around and beneath them and that was starting to give her anxiety. So much so that she sort of forgot to keep a respectable distance, tightening her grip on her mystery man instead of heading for her chaperon and the exit.
"There's a rat! Or something and I can hear it and—!" She felt something skitter along her hems and that had her up on her tiptoes, arms wrapped securely around Mr. Sun. "I don't do rodents!" Torie hissed, losing her typically carefully composed nature as the panic surged. She was dancing around on her toes trying make sure nothing touched her. Pressing herself toward the exit meant pushing her gentleman friend in that direction as well. Torie had no idea if this room was meant to be this creepy or if the rat was an errant problem and she should warn the hosts. Either way she didn't want to stick around to find out!
As much as she did enjoy a good theme, she did not enjoy a good scare and so Torie tugged on her company and kept pushing toward the door. "Please get me out of here." She squeaked, trying to remain calm, but not doing very well. She would feel incredibly foolish later, but for now she just needed to not have a rat in her skirts!
"There's a rat! Or something and I can hear it and—!" She felt something skitter along her hems and that had her up on her tiptoes, arms wrapped securely around Mr. Sun. "I don't do rodents!" Torie hissed, losing her typically carefully composed nature as the panic surged. She was dancing around on her toes trying make sure nothing touched her. Pressing herself toward the exit meant pushing her gentleman friend in that direction as well. Torie had no idea if this room was meant to be this creepy or if the rat was an errant problem and she should warn the hosts. Either way she didn't want to stick around to find out!
As much as she did enjoy a good theme, she did not enjoy a good scare and so Torie tugged on her company and kept pushing toward the door. "Please get me out of here." She squeaked, trying to remain calm, but not doing very well. She would feel incredibly foolish later, but for now she just needed to not have a rat in her skirts!
![[Image: Torie94-Sig.png]](
Red again! June 1894