As the both of them crouched along the bank, peering for a clear path, he nodded at Cass’ suggestion wordlessly. It was as good a plan as any. Vince didn’t wait for Cass to give him any type of signal before he straightened and took off in the direction of the Valenduris house. He… mostly knew the way. It wasn’t far at least, and with a few circles, he eventually found the aforementioned window. It was unlocked, as Vince expected, and the Slytherin propped it open without hesitation. He tugged off his shoes and slipped in through the small space, grateful for his lithe form. Then, hearing footsteps coming up the staircase to the left, he panicked. Vince looked around for somewhere, anywhere, to hide. Unfortunately there wasn’t much of an option other than to slip back out the window. Deciding to risk it, the little Slytherin bolted. He took off up the staircase and didn’t stop until he reached the guest room he’d been assigned.
It was still dark, darker even than when he’d left. The bed remained untouched and his bag, neatly packed, continued to lean against the frame. Vince let out a shallow little breath and wondered how long it would take for Cass to find him. Curling back up on the armchair he’d spent most of his day thinking in, Vince heard his pounding heart echo in his ears. He couldn’t help it then as the crazy evening played over itself in his mind.
He wasn’t sure how… they’d managed to get here. Cass touching him, Vince panting breathlessly. Vince finishing him, and Cass letting it happen. The very thought made him excited again. Briefly, the idea of managing his situation himself occurred to the Slytherin but Vince quickly shook the thought from his mind. He would be a good, patient, well behaved guest.
![[Image: vincesig.gif]](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/vincesig.gif)
i desire very little but the things i do consume me