When they finally pulled apart, green eyes gazed absently into blue and for a moment Vincent felt the urge to act. He scrutinized the freckles and lines all along Lissington’s handsome face, memorizing each one. This moment, under this tree, on this terrible day, was one he wanted to imprint upon his mind until he died. Even if nothing came of it, even if one day Lissington too turned on him and saw Vincent for… perhaps, what he was beginning to feel he might actually be… then at least he would have this precious instance to hold onto. A vague impression of the very play he’d set out here to read crossed the Slytherin’s mind then and he offered his Hufflepuff a lopsided little grin.
“I’ll follow thee and make a heaven of hell, To die upon the hand I love so well,” Vince hummed, cheekily.
Midsommer’s Night Dream, act ii scene i. Where Lissington might be Demetrius one day, he’d happily take up the torch of Helena in this instance. It was a role he was familiar with, anyhow. Vincent wasn’t one to hide his growing affection, even if one day he too was spurned with insult and as such, the Slytherin hummed, cheekily.
He brushed a stray lock of red hair from the other’s face then and carefully tugged Lissington forward, cold fingers wrapped around the nape of the other’s neck. It was a cautious, sweet little kiss that he prompted, hoping he was well enough in the clear. It was still so foreign to Vince that he could simply… initiate things when he wanted to (granted in the security of complete privacy of course.) Sometimes he forgot this little detail however, and on days like today - carried away as he was by swelling feelings of actual warmth and sentiment - Vincent couldn’t be bothered to care. He pressed forward with a slight urgency that he didn’t feel the need to restrain. Lissington was one of the best things that had ever happened to him and for the first time, Vincent was ready to prove it to him openly. Audibly. Maybe even… verbally? He could admit it out loud, surely? In his own words?
Only time would tell.
![[Image: vincesig.gif]](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/vincesig.gif)
i desire very little but the things i do consume me