October 2, 2022 – 8:44 PM
Atticus Foxwood — Played by Gin
ACAB | Any Rep | Hall of Mirrors
What: Hall of Mirrors
Who: Some wizard or witch working on their illusion skills
Cost: Four knuts for those twelve and over, two for those under eleven
Where: Padmore Park
Why: Spooky season is upon us
When: October 10th
An enchanted tent has popped near the edge of Padmore Park, manned by an individual who doesn’t speak much but takes the entry fee before allowing one to enter. Once inside, it’s nothing but a labyrinth of mirrors. Some people say that they feel as if they’re being watched, but no one has been harmed. (Yet.) The mirrors are mostly harmless, although they move, grow and shrink as they please. There are a handful of mirrors that don’t reflect the person looking at them, but rather something unusual. A creature? The future? Something you fear? Something else entirely? Everyone who has come from the tent has said something different, so who actually knows!
Contact Player(s): Atticus Foxwood