Some nasty Slytherins? That sounded terrible, and while he wanted him to elaborate so he could try to soothe over everything he didn’t. Were they mean to him? Mean to someone else he cared for? The redhead had so many questions that filled his mouth enough that he had to swallow them. Last year Gus had a few run-ins with Slytherins he’d rather forget, but none of them seemed to be as harrowing as whatever Iago had experienced. “I’m sorry that happened, but I’m also glad that it spurred you outside. I like spending time with you.” He murmured quietly as the other settled against his shoulder; Iago was getting better at that, touching and being touched.
He seemed to have been shocked the first time Gus had reached out to take his hand and idly let it swing between them just because he wanted to. Or the first time he’d nuzzled his head into the crook of his neck after they’d had sex. Or well… really, any time he initiated any kind of touch. But it was how the Lissingtons were - his parents held hands whenever they could, touched fingers when one passed the other, and they had both been affectionate with him and Fig. In turn, he was affectionate with his friends, whether it was just something budding or someone he’d been friends with for years. Touching was just as natural to him as breathing. Iago wasn’t an exception even if Gus did feel a tiny bit guilty when he looked uncomfortable.
He hadn’t expected Iago to press a kiss against his cheek, but Gus turned to him with a grin, his cheeks tinting slightly pink. The Hufflepuff wished he could keep the man like this - happy and free in the sense that he wasn’t afraid to show the world who he could actually be. Iago had Slytherin qualities for sure, the Sorting Hat wouldn’t have placed him in the house if he didn’t, but he wasn’t just a Slytherin, through and through. He was also caring, and sweet, and if there was a single person at Hogwarts he’d trust with his life, Iago would be it.
Grinning at his friend, Gus reached behind him to grapple for the scarf still bundled up, his fingers touching the fabric before he tugged it forward into his own lap. After nearly six years of use it was frayed and well-loved, the colors faded but still a definite representation of his house. Then he flicked his eyes back toward Iago and without a word leaned forward to unwind the Slytherin scarf from his neck, his fingers pausing only for a second in case the boy wanted him to stop. He didn’t, not immediately at least, and Gus draped the scarf around his own neck to prevent it from getting dirt and grass on it, the sides of it pooling onto the blanket, before he reached for his Hufflepuff scarf.
With gentle fingers he worked to tie the scarf snuggly around Iago’s neck - the bright yellow was a stark contrast in comparison to the deep green he always wore but it didn’t look terrible. Gus bopped the other on his nose then before he laughed, his hands clapping once at his handiwork. “You can be an honorary ‘Puff.” His fingers reached to lace through the other’s and hummed quietly, his head resting against his shoulder. “I think you’re part Hufflepuff. You’re a hard worker and I trust you more than almost anyone else here. Plus I think you’re pretty sweet, when you want to be.”