16th June, 1888
Miss Lestrange,
We were turned away from the train today, told our need to get to Hogsmeade was not urgent enough to justify our passage, given the fog! How outlandish, that we should be denied the opportunity to travel when Ministry workers are moving hither and fro. The train, after all, is already in motion; what trouble would two more bodies bring?
This, sadly, means we will be unable to attend church tomorrow. My aunt is beside herself, and I feel awful to have to cancel on you so last minute. I pray that this owl reaches you in spite of this ominous weather—and does so swiftly! You have my most sincere apologies.
This, sadly, means we will be unable to attend church tomorrow. My aunt is beside herself, and I feel awful to have to cancel on you so last minute. I pray that this owl reaches you in spite of this ominous weather—and does so swiftly! You have my most sincere apologies.