'A cat too!' Honoria enthused, she could see the little creature in her mind, amber eyes and jet black fur. She didn't want a fancy breed or anything too fussy, just a regular old moggy. 'Cake is such a sweet name!' Honoria said fondly, 'How long have you had Cake?' She couldn't pick up on which gender the cat was.
Like her young companion, she too had no interest in a pet owl, they felt cold and impersonal to her. Her family kept 2 owls for his business and she liked neither animal especially well. They were working animals - not pets, one of them didn't even have a name as far as she could tell.
Like her young companion, she too had no interest in a pet owl, they felt cold and impersonal to her. Her family kept 2 owls for his business and she liked neither animal especially well. They were working animals - not pets, one of them didn't even have a name as far as she could tell.