As the other answered him in kind, Vince felt something swelling in the pit of his stomach. It was painful and heavy, and he was sure it was full of poison that would kill him lest it rupture. He heard the slight twinge that little curse brought with it, but even so much emotion could not reassure Vince that Cass wasn’t just being… bullheaded. The other could be contrary for the sake of it when he liked, something they had in common, but Vince was sure as he went on it was all just social convention. The niceties that were obligatory should anyone inquire. It wasn’t until the blonde’s last statement dropped between them that Vincent finally felt that thing in his gut revolt.
“Move past it?” He hissed into the quiet room. “Enlighten me Cassian, what does ‘moving past it’ look like to you?” Vincent dropped his arms from their crossed position over his chest. “How do you imagine anything to be even remotely normal, much less comfortable, ever again when the very thought of what just transpired makes you want to vomit!” Vince shut his mouth with a snap. Well that certainly hadn’t needed to be said. He didn’t want Cass to think there was any shred of hope they could salvage this; he didn’t want to dare hope himself. He was the one who had vomited after all, from the anxiety. The feeling had been overwhelming and there was nothing Vince could have done to keep the bile from rising in his throat. It was only when he was bent over, long fingers gripping the cold porcelain toilet bowl, that he realized what a mistake he’d made. The Slytherin decided on impulse he might as well share the truth. What more could it hurt now?
“I could see the disgust and anguish all over you,” he continued, voice a gravelly rumble. “From the way you“ thrust my clothes into my arms and kicked me out “managed our situation only to then hide away from the vile reality. I’m not an imbecile,” his voice lowered into a hiss. “I know you better than you know yourself and there is no moving past this. Not for you.” Vince paused, sucking in a deep breath.
He didn’t want to back down, the anger finally flaring. He was pleased in the moment for a chance to speak his mind even if he knew the regret would sink in later. Plausible deniability was becoming less and less attainable with each passing sentence however, and Vincent felt the weight of the truth sitting on him, crushing him.
“I won’t sit around watching you grow to despise me for it even more.” he finally conceded, more quietly, averting green eyes away from Cass. It would hurt too much.
![[Image: vincesig.gif]](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/vincesig.gif)
i desire very little but the things i do consume me