Bernard nodded, fairly nonplussed, but he seemed an inoffensive young man. 'Sure thing' he remarked, taking a last drag on the cigerette, pulling the fag end from his mouth he chucked it lazily into the gutter, where it went out in a puddle with a hiss. He reached into his pocket and fished out a battered silver card case, drawing out a calling card with his name and the address of his bachelors lodgings on it. He did spend as much time as Harriets as he did at the lodgings or even his house in London, but a letter or note that was left for him at the lodgings would get to him soon enough.
'Any time' he added diffidently, 'I work ordinary Ministry hours, but outside of that I'm usually around, or at the club.' he explained. He stood up and slapped the ash and any dirt from the street off his trousers. 'Are you all right, or shall I hail you a hackny?'
'Any time' he added diffidently, 'I work ordinary Ministry hours, but outside of that I'm usually around, or at the club.' he explained. He stood up and slapped the ash and any dirt from the street off his trousers. 'Are you all right, or shall I hail you a hackny?'
![[Image: WXgUmdP.jpg]](