He would never doubt her capabilities as a healer, but when it came to emotions when a particular case was so personal, some things could be missed. He'd seen it time and time again in his career, and Faustus was sure that she had seen the same. "Shhh, it's alright, it's alright," It was his turn to reach out to calm her now. "It's not your fault, it's happened before it's —" not as bad as the Cruciatus Curse... He stopped himself mid sentence, hiding his slip up by shifting towards her and causing an ache to poke him in the ribs. There was no need to clue her in that he'd had an unforgivable curse put upon him; no need to cause her more worry than she already was.
It was better that he didn't exert himself, but that didn't prevent him from reaching out with his good hand to capture hers and run his thumb along her hand as he sat back. "Tired," He answered honestly with another smile at her. "But I feel better. Even more so with you here."
It was better that he didn't exert himself, but that didn't prevent him from reaching out with his good hand to capture hers and run his thumb along her hand as he sat back. "Tired," He answered honestly with another smile at her. "But I feel better. Even more so with you here."