Interesting - how to broach the topic of Mister Foxwood, when Miss Dashwoods reference had been rather clear. She would rather enjoy seeing him again, but then that was not the purpose of the invitation.
Dear Poppy,
I told Ida that if she could get out of Irvingly, her family were welcome to stay with me, But I'm not sure if it is at all possible for anyone to get out of the village at all! It must be desperately frightening. Mahoutokoro had a single, rather stunted acromantula, that it used for magical creatures class and I should not like to see a full sized one - at night - and unprepared. The thought makes me rather shudder.
As soon as Miss Chang is able to join us we will arrange a tea to discuss all of her adventures as soon as she is able - and I am sure whichever chaperone you bring will be entirely agreeable to the company. I was thinking of putting together a little 'gift' for Ida when she joins us - something befitting her status as a monster hunter. I've a few amusing books on the subject, a fan and hair pin that look rather formiddable, if you have other suggestions please do share them. We can make a joint gift of it.
Kind Regards
Miss N. Mountbatton